Karen Mills has been a nationally touring comedian for twenty-five years. She can be heard daily on Sirius / XM comedy channels and she just released her new Dry Bar Comedy Special "Pink Pants." 

Karen has a straight-forward approach to the realities of life. Her smart, funny, keen observations will keep you laughing at yourself as you relate to her experiences. Even ovarian cancer couldn’t stop her from turning her pain into punchlines. Diagnosed in 2013 after a routine checkup, Karen was determined to take on the disease with hope and humor and in 2016 she was chosen to present her talk, "Cancer is a Laughing Matter" at TEDxChattanooga and was recently featured on Robin Roberts "Thriver Thursday."

Karen has faced every challenge with determination. She stands at 5'2" and was told more than once that she was too short to play basketball. Not only did she play, in 1981 she led the nation in assists and became the first, division 1 first team All-American in UT-Chattanooga’s history. Karen was the first UTC athlete to earn that distinction in any sport, male or female. Her #12 uniform was retired and she became the first female inducted into Chattanooga’s Basketball Hall of Fame.

Since surviving cancer, Karen's positive message, strong stage presence, and entertaining style have landed her on numerous stages.  Her ability to bring humor and inspiration to difficult topics has made her a sought-after keynote speaker for a variety of audiences, including survivor events, women’s health conferences, commencement addresses and many more. Karen recently performed at The Grand Ole Opry for their annual "Opry Goes Pink" along with Carrie Underwood, Colbie Caillat and many other legendary performers.

Whether you are looking for straight, laugh out loud comedy or comedy with a message, clean comedian Karen Mills can inspire, energize and bring any crowd together through the joy of laughter.